
All my academic publications, along with their citations, are well recorded and tracked in my Google Scholar profile.

2022 - Present: Research on Mobility Electrification

I have the ambition to not only keep my research identity, but even further strengthen it after leaving academia and working in the industry. Completing my PhD does not mean that my research activities have stopped. Since my career started in industry, I have always made effort to actively be involved in various internal and external research activities, including

  • formulating and supervising student research projects
  • scoping and applying for collaborative R&D projects.

I have initiated multiple research outreach and collaboration activities with Dutch universities, including University of Groningen, University of Amsterdam and Delft University of Technology.

I am currently hosted by TU Delft as a guest researcher at the AI for Mobility (AIM) lab, leading a company funded project in the space of commercial road transport electrification.

2016 - 2020: Doctoral Research on Public Transport Demand and Supply Patterns

My PhD dissertation is entitled “Data-driven Analysis and Modeling of Public Transport Passenger Flows and Service Networks”. It is available through TU Delft library here.


An overview of my doctoral research is presented below.
